Feeling overwhelmed and don’t know how to plan a brand photoshoot? Don’t worry, I’ve got your back!
I’ve learned a thing or two about how to prepare for a brand photoshoot to make sure you get all the images you need and ensure you're as cool as a cucumber.
Featured Post
When I first Skyped with Bronwyn, creator of Bopo Women, and her partner James — I was immediately HOOKED. Bron told me about her vision: a skincare line that changes the rules of how beauty products are both made + marketed to women. It’s going to be natural and organic, and defy beauty standards; she described Bopo Women […]
Growing up, I absolutely loved gardening — if my parents couldn’t find me in the house, there was a good chance I was in our backyard, digging through the dirt, sifting for worms or checking on my little crops (pumpkin, watermelon, and corn were my favorites!). Since I’ve been employed with Green Wedding Shoes, I’ve […]
Serious question: at what point should Christmas music stop being played? I realize it’s only a few days post Christmas, and I’m all for holiday cheer, but… Let me give you a little context — I’m currently on a cruise to New Zealand with my family (which is wonderful) but alas, I am complaining (please, […]